13 February 2013

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

The above illustrations were created for Folio Society's Book Illustration Competition, which this year was focused on Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Personally I absolutely loved the book and will recommend it to everyone. It's a great classic and although the story is truly futuristic it feels freakishly current at the same time... An absolute must :)

Image 1 describles Lenina Crowne talking boys to her friend Fanny while returning from the vibro-vac looking all pretty, pinky and glowing

Image 2 describes Bernard's failed romantic attempt to charm Lenina by the moon light...

Image 3 describes the forbidden reading between Mustapha Mond, John the Savage and Helmholtz Watson


Emma Collins Ba (Hons) said...

Absolutely brilliant! Your work just gets better and better!

Unknown said...

Great work Marta, I am so sad I missed this competition again! Good luck!